Highland Regiments raised in the 18th and early 19th centuries employed many unique symbols to differentiate themselves from other regiments and enlisted distinctive music to announce their arrival, but as a result of the Cardwell Reforms of 1881, all British Army Highland Regiments were required to use "Highland Laddie" as their Regimental March. This tune has been probably chosen due to the enthusiasm and energy it brings, reason why the recruiting sergeants of the army were playing this tune warrior to galvanize undecided lads to sign the entry form.
Highland Laddie is also the name of a dance in Scottish Highland dancing, of the "national dance" subtype. Most national dances are usually danced in an Aboyne dress, but the Highland Laddie is one of the national dances (with “Wilt thou go to the Barracks Johnny”) danced in the standard kilt-based outfit as it is said to be a recruiting dance done by soldiers. It is also a dance honoring Bonnie Prince Charlie as he was most lovingly referred to. He was a very handsome young man and the Scots dearly wanted him as their king. |
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Numerous sets of words exist to the melody. Among the best known: Beethoven’s Opus 108, written in 1815 by James Hogg to the glory of the heroes of Waterloo, one composed just after the Battle of Falkirk (17 January 1746) glorifying the Jacobite rebellion of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and finally the beautiful ballad “The Highland Lad and Lowland Lassie” written by the poet A. Burns telling the impossible love between a well educated young girl from Lowlands and a Highlands handsome young man in rags and kilt.
The melody was also used as a capstan and a "stamp and go" shanty, and (without the grand chorus) as a halyard shanty. It was popular on the Dundee Whalers, then later used (c. 1830’s and 40’s) as a work song for stowing lumber and cotton in the Southeastern and Gulf ports of the United States.Highland Laddie was used for long and slow maneuvers: hoisting sails above (2 pulls per chorus) or hauling up the anchor. It was sung in two voices: a solo asking the question (Where have been ye all the day, my Bonnie Laddie Hieland?) and the answer given in chorus by the crew (Way hay and away we go, Bonnie Laddie, Laddie Hieland).
"Donkey Riding" is described as a variant and was used on the wharfs as a "cargo-working song"
Millin is most famous for being one of the few pipers to play during a World War II battle. Pipers had traditionally been used in battle by Scottish troops however the use of bagpipes was restricted to rear areas by the time of the Second World War by the British Army. Lord Lovat, however, ignored these orders and Millin, aged 21, played "Hielan’ Laddie" as his comrades fell around him on Sword Beach. Germans soldiers did not take him as target because they thought he was crazy. |
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Today this song is became a welcome tune played on special occasions to greet a VIP or to accompany the groom processional up the church aisle.
The Jacobite version.
![]() Where ha’ ye been a’ the day? Bonnie laddie, Hielan’ laddie Saw ye him that’ far awa’ Bonnie laddie, Hielan’ laddie
On his head a bonnet blue
I hae been at Crookieden
Satan sits in his black neuk
When he drew his gude braid-sword
Geordie sits in Charlie’s chair
![]() Où étais-tu tout ce temps ? Fier garçon de nos montagnes Dis, l’as-tu vu s’approchant Fier garçon de nos montagnes ?
Coiffé de son béret bleu
J’étais à Culloden
Assis dans un coin sombre satan
Lorsqu’il dégaina hardiment sa claymore
Le roi Georges est assis à la place de Charles
Weels me on your tartan trews,
Or that doure and deadly Duke,
Would yet tell me gin ye ken,
Fait moi tourbillonner sur tes genoux revêtus d’un pantalon à tartan,
Ou cet austère et ennuyeux duc,
Veux-tu me conter ce que tu sais,
The classical version - Beethoven N°7 (for Violin and Cello).
Where got ye that siller moon,
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Glinting braw your bell a boon,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
Belted plaid and bonnet blue,
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Have yet been at Waterloo,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Tell me, tell me, a’ the news,
bonny laddie, highland laddie!
Saw ye Bonny by the way,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
Blucher wi’ his beard sae grey,
bonny laddie highland laddie?
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Scatt’ring Frenchmen wi’ his look,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
Some say he the day may rue,
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Ye can tell gin this be true,
bonny laddie, highland laddie.
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Aught o’ Donald and his men,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
Tell me o’ my kilted Clan,
bonny laddie, highland laddie,
Gin they fought, or gin they ran,
bonny laddie, highland laddie?
Lorsque la lune est d’argent,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Ta chance scintille de mille feux,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Ton plaid ceint et coiffé de ton béret bleu,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Etais-tu à Waterloo,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
beau montagnard
Raconte-moi tout ce que tu sais,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres !
As-tu vu lors de ton périple,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
La barbe grise de Blücher,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Qui dispersa les français avec son coup d’oeil,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
Certains disent maudire ce jour,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Disent-ils vrai,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
De Donald et ses hommes,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
Qui portent le kilt au tartan de mon clan,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres
S’ils ont combattu ou s’ils ont fuit,
bel homme des Hautes-Terres ?
Robert BURNS version.
![]() The Lawland Lads think they are fine But oh they’re vain and idle gaudy How much unlike the graceful mein And manly looks o’ my Highland Laddie
If I were free at will to choose
Oh my bonnie bonnie Highland Laddie
O’er Bently Hill wi’ him I’ll run
A painted room, a silken bed
No greater joy I’ll ever pretend
![]() Les jeunes hommes des basses-terres se croient beaux Mais ils ne sont que des tape-à-l’oeil oisifs et vaniteux, contrairement à l’élégance masculine de mon jeune homme des Hautes-Terres.
Si j’étais libre de choisir
Oh mon beau jeune homme des Hautes-Terres
Au delà de la colline de Bently, j’ai couru avec lui
Une chambre peinte, un lit soyeux
Je ne peux pas prétendre à une plus grande joie
I did not see ye soon the glen
Nay, I wuz no doon the glen,
But I went to seek a road to fortune,
I joined a ship and went a-sailin’
Shipped far north on a Dundee whaler
Bound away to Iceland cold
Greenland is a cold country
Thought it was the way to fortune
Wished meself in bonnie Scotland
We caught some whales and boiled their blubber
We’ll soon be homeward bound to Scotland
I’ll be glad when I get hame
Oh, hielan’ laddie went a sailin’
Où étais-tu passé toute la journée durant ?
Je ne t’ai pas vu tôt dans la vallée
Non, je n’étais pas descendu dans la vallée
Mais je cherchais une route vers la fortune/le bonheur
j’ai rallié un bateau et navigué
J’ai vogué cap plein nord sur un baleinier de Dundee
Livré au loin au froid de l’Islande
Le Groënland est un pays froid
Je croyais que c’était la route de la fortune
Je regrette ma belle Ecosse
Nous avons attrapé des baleines et fait bouillir leur graisse
Nous serons bientôt de retour en Ecosse
De retour à la maison, je serais content
Oh jeune homme des Hautes-Terres qui navigua
Sea shanty version.
Note: this version was a song capstan (vertical hoist used to lift the anchor)
that is transformed into song halyard (rope used to hoist a sail or a yard on its spar)
by deleting the verse. There is another version known as the "Donkey Riding".
There was a laddie cam’ from Scotland
Hielan’laddie, bonnie laddie
Bonnie laddie from fair Scotland
Me bonnie hielan’ laddie, O
Way, hay an’ away we go
Hielan’ laddie, bonnie laddie
Way, hay an’ away we bo
Me bonnie hielan’ laddie, O
Where have ye been a’ the day?
I did not see ye near the burn.
Nay I was no near the burn.
Thought I’d fins a road to fortune.
Sailed far north and went a-whalin’.
Shipped far north as a whalin’ sailor.
Found much ice but not much gold.
Not the place for you and me.
But whalin’s not the way to fortune.
Back again in bonnie Scotland.
Oil and fat choked every scupper.
Homeward bound to bonnie Scotland.
I’ll gie up the whalin’ game.
Hielan’ laddie went a-whalin’.
Il y a un jeune homme venu d’Ecosse
Un beau jeune homme des Hautes-Terres
Un élegant jeune homme de la belle Ecosse
Oh mon beau jeune homme des Hautes-Terres
Que de chemins parcourons-nous
beau jeune homme des Hautes-Terres
Que de chemins parcourons-nous
beau jeune homme des Hautes-Terres
Où étais-tu passé toute la journée durant ?
Je ne t’ai pas vu près du feu de camp.
Non, je n’étais pas près du feu.
je crois l’avoir trouvée.
loin au Nord et pêché la baleine.
J’ai vogué cap plein nord en tant que marin-baleinier.
J’ai trouvé beaucoup de glace, mais pas d’or.
Pas une terre pour toi et moi.
Mais baleinier n’est pas le chemin de la fortune.
Je veux retourner dans ma belle Ecosse.
L’huile et la graisse animale engorgeaient chaque écoutille du pont.
de retour dans la belle Ecosse.
d’abandonner le métier de baleinier.
Jeune homme des Hautes-Terres qui pêcha la baleine.
8000 players - Glasgow 2008
Beethoven version
The Lass of Livingston
Highland Dance (USA)
Highland Dance (Australia)